Talismanic Magic for Witches
alismanic magic is the art of creating perpetually active spells that can help you create a charmed life. Once the provenance of ceremonial magicians, this book, for the first time, brings planetary and zodiacal magic based on a concise and simplified methodology to the Witchcraft community.
Talismanic Magic for Witches is the third installment of the ‘For Witches’ series, and it is the most comprehensive book on the topic of celestial magic written expressly for the Pagan and Witchcraft community. The product of celestial magic is the creation of a talisman. Talismanic magic is the art of making for yourself and others a charmed life. It is a life where reality seems to consistently bend to the will of the talisman’s owner at all times and places, lessoning the possibility of misfortune and empowering great good fortune. A talisman is nothing more than encapsulating a wish or desire and continually setting upon it the powers of the elements, celestial spirits and archetypes of the Gods.
A talisman is a materialized spell that is continually and perpetually operating for the benefit of the owner. A talisman makes a charmed life possible, and building up a battery of them to act on several fronts simultaneously is the final magical mechanism that makes this kind of overall effect possible. There is no magical artifact that I am aware of that has these qualities except a talisman. Learning to produce a talisman would be the best of all possible magical methodologies that a Witch or Pagan could master.
Talismans are a magical treasure, and a good practitioner of celestial magic will create a series of them to act on every aspect of his or her life, tapping them for a specific purpose when the need arises. This capability alone represents the quantitative wealth or richness of talismanic magic. Who would pass up a chance to acquire this wealth to make a charmed life for themselves? This is also why I refer to talismanic magic, and to celestial magic as its organizing principal, as the veritable crown jewel of Witchcraft magic.
Talismanic Magic for Witches will be available for sale February 2023.
Talismanic Magic for Witches
Now Available
Other Books
Disciple's Guide to Ritual MagickSpirit Conjuring for Witches
Disciple's Guide to Ritual Magick
Magical Qabalah for Beginners
Other books include: Disciple's Guide to Ritual Magick and the Omnibus Edition of the Mastering the Art of Ritual Magick series (volumes 1 -3) are published by Immanion Press. Magical Qabalah for Beginners is published by Llewellyn. Spirit Conjuring for Witches and Elemental Powers is also published by Llewellyn. These books can now be used in conjunction with the Affiliate Member Program that the Order of the Gnostic Star is presently offering. Send Frater Barrabbas an email for
more information.
Frater Barrabbas has completed writing his seventh book, and the fourth in the "For Witches" series to be published by Llewellyn. This work is entitled "Sacramental Theurgy for Witches." This newly written book will present the methods and techniques for projecting the power and wisdom of the Goddesses and Gods into the material world. These rites are the sacramental "God Workings" that represent the most advanced and cutting edge liturgies and magical rites for Witches and Pagans. Unfortunately, the potential publishing date will be delayed until Spring/Summer of 2024, and the manuscript submission won’t happen until Spring of 2023. This is due to all of the wonderful books that Llewellyn has already scheduled for publishing. If there is a change, we will let you know.
Don't forget to check out Frater Barrabbas' blog - there are usually a few substantive articles posted every month. There is also a treasure trove of over 400 articles already in the archive.